The FARMS Program Helps Growers Save Water and Money
The FARMS program provides financial assistance that can help agricultural producers improve crop yields, optimize irrigation scheduling and reduce fertilizer use. Efficient water use not only conserves water, but also saves money on pumping, equipment maintenance and energy costs.
The Facilitating Agricultural Resource Management Systems, or FARMS program for short, is offered within the Southwest Florida Water Management District (District), whose northern border spans into portions of Levy and Marion counties and southern border into portions of Charlotte and Highlands counties. It is a cost-share reimbursement program designed to incentivize growers to adopt best management practices (BMPs) that conserve groundwater and/or improve water quality. The BMPs supported by the District are proven methods that were developed specifically to help growers in the region.
Many growers have benefited from FARMS funding with 250+ projects implemented since 2003, and the District wants to partner with more growers. Today, FARMS projects in operation save more than 25 million gallons of water per day. Common projects include surface water or tailwater irrigation pumps and filters, water control structures, automatic irrigation controls, soil moisture sensors, weather stations and cold protection measures.
Operations of all types and sizes in the District can participate. Growers may receive reimbursement for 50-75% of project costs for larger qualified projects. The Mini-FARMS program is also available for smaller projects and reimburses growers up to 75% of their approved project costs up to $10,000 per project.
As a grower, you decide on the most appropriate project for your operation and then manage, operate and maintain your project. You’ll receive help from FARMS staff with selecting the best ways to improve your water use, navigating the regulatory process and submitting for the reimbursement of eligible expenses.
If you’re interested in learning more, or to determine project eligibility and funding, please email or visit